PSHE – Curriculum information

“We are proud to be a Jigsaw school and our vision is to ensure that all of our children are safe, happy and prepared for a successful future as caring, compassionate and resilient individuals”

At Adelaide Primary School, we teach Personal, Social, and Health Education (PSHE) as a whole-school approach to underpin children’s development as people because we believe that this supports their learning capacity.

This is taught through our PSHE scheme ‘Jigsaw’ which is used across all year groups from FS1 up to Y6. This is a spiral curriculum where children are taught in an age-appropriate way. We also deepen our scheme with enrichment days and lessons such as the ‘White Ribbon Day’ and fundraise for charities such as Children in Need.

Through the Jigsaw curriculum, we want to prepare our pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. They will learn how to become active citizens within the local community and explore issues related to living in a democratic society. They will develop the knowledge, understanding, attitudes, values and skills they need to reach their potential as individuals and within the community. They learn how to form effective, fulfilling relationships and how to make and act on informed decisions and communicate effectively with others. Our pupils reflect on their experiences and understand how they are developing personally and socially. We teach our pupils how to respond to challenge positively and openly, and be an active partner in their own learning.

Through all of this, they will become resilient, healthy, fulfilled individuals, equipped to live in modern Britain, and ready for any challenges that life may present!

What pupils think about our PSHE curriculum –

“I love the chime in ‘Calm Me.’ It helps me to relax”

“I like Jigsaw. We learn really important things and we get to talk about all sorts of things like building friendships and keeping ourselves safe”

“I like the games in Jigsaw. They are so much fun.”

‘The excellent relationships between teachers and their pupils ensure lessons are purposeful and enjoyable’…

OFSTED comments

‘Staff morale is high, team spirit is very strong, and all are committed to continued improvement. This helps to explain why the school is continuing to improve’…

OFSTED comments

‘There is a very strong focus on checking on how well different groups of pupils are learning, so that any falling behind can be immediately helped to make better progress’…

OFSTED comments

‘The range of enrichment activities the school provides is excellent and contributes a great deal to pupils’ learning’…

OFSTED comments

‘Pupils feel very safe in school because of the school’s rigorous approach to keeping them safe’…

OFSTED comments

‘The harmonious relationships among all groups, from a wide variety of backgrounds, are a strength of the school’…

OFSTED comments

‘Leaders leave no stone unturned to ensure that the very diverse school population is treated equally and that there is a relentless focus on driving up pupil performance’…

OFSTED comments

‘Teaching and learning are consistently good. As a result most pupils make good progress in reading, writing and mathematics from often significantly below-average starting points’…

OFSTED comments

‘Children make a good start in the early years because of good teaching’…

OFSTED comments

‘The highly successful promotion of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is at the heart of the school’s work’…

OFSTED comments

‘Pupils contribute significantly to the successes of the school through their outstanding behaviour and readiness to learn’…

OFSTED comments

‘Parents are overwhelmingly supportive, commenting very positively on the school’s many strong features’…

OFSTED comments