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The Giraffes 🦒 and Meerkats enjoyed some chill out time in the sunshine this morning. Miss Mangan and Miss Harrison wish you all a wonderful summer. Stay safe. 😀☀️😎

Get Moving!
This Summer, experience the thrill of sport, physical activity, and play. Whether you're sprinting on the field, mastering a new game, or just being active this summer, get involved! Find a session near you! #HealthyHolidaysHull #HAF2024

So much planned for this summer, a variety of activities, there is something for everyone! We have specific SEND sessions running this summer too! Check out the SEND offer by visiting the SEND page on www.healthyholidayshull #HealthyHolidaysHull #HAF2024@educationgovuk

Free swimming sessions are running across the Leisure Centres this summer! Stay cool in the pool and go for a dip! Find out when sessions are running at a pool near you by visiting the website and clicking on the HCaL logo
#HealthyHolidaysHull #HAF2024

These Y5 children are so excited to be taking part in the @readysteadread Reading Challenge over the summer. We can’t wait to see their competition entries based on this text. @HumberEdTrust

We have worked hard and had lots of fun in the Owls this year. Mrs King, Miss Snell and Mrs Whitelam have really enjoyed teaching these wonderful children. @Adelaideprimary @HumberEdTrust

Yum yum. The Owls have had a treat today. We created our own biscuit design and then we had to check they tasted delicious. @Adelaideprimary @HumberEdTrust

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‘Leaders leave no stone unturned to ensure that the very diverse school population is treated equally and that there is a relentless focus on driving up pupil performance’…

OFSTED comments

‘Parents are overwhelmingly supportive, commenting very positively on the school’s many strong features’…

OFSTED comments

‘The harmonious relationships among all groups, from a wide variety of backgrounds, are a strength of the school’…

OFSTED comments

‘Pupils contribute significantly to the successes of the school through their outstanding behaviour and readiness to learn’…

OFSTED comments

‘Staff morale is high, team spirit is very strong, and all are committed to continued improvement. This helps to explain why the school is continuing to improve’…

OFSTED comments

‘The excellent relationships between teachers and their pupils ensure lessons are purposeful and enjoyable’…

OFSTED comments

‘Pupils feel very safe in school because of the school’s rigorous approach to keeping them safe’…

OFSTED comments

‘There is a very strong focus on checking on how well different groups of pupils are learning, so that any falling behind can be immediately helped to make better progress’…

OFSTED comments

‘The range of enrichment activities the school provides is excellent and contributes a great deal to pupils’ learning’…

OFSTED comments

‘The highly successful promotion of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is at the heart of the school’s work’…

OFSTED comments

‘Children make a good start in the early years because of good teaching’…

OFSTED comments

‘Teaching and learning are consistently good. As a result most pupils make good progress in reading, writing and mathematics from often significantly below-average starting points’…

OFSTED comments